Color Out of Space: I feel like no one ever talks about this movie

So, this is a Nicolas Cage, HP Lovecraft horror movie that came out towards the tail end of 2019 and I don't ever hear anyone talking about it. In addition, it was the big screen return of Richard Stanley. Like, it seems this movie should have had all the hype and it really didn't.

Well, overall I thought it was a pretty damn good horror movie. It is BAT SHIT INSANE. It takes a little bit to get going. They spend a decent amount of time getting you familiar with the family and what they are like. After that...uh yeah. This movie goes places. If you are looking for:

  1. Pretty sweet cosmic horror CGI
  2. Pretty sweet practical horror creatures
  3. Batshit Nic Cage performance
  4. Also, just a pretty OK horror movie

Then this movie would be right up your street.

What are your guys thoughts? Like, Chris Stuckmann doesn't even have a review of this movie. And this is like...100%...his shiz.

submitted by /u/faithdies
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